Here at Sophie Allport, we know the pleasure of a good breakfast. In fact, some of the best food we've ever eaten has been consumed before midday! But, we also know how hard it can be to find the time or inspiration to make a healthy, enticing breakfast - especially during these dark, wintery mornings. Seeing as it's National Breakfast Week, we thought we'd help by sharing our favourite breakfast recipes with you and yours... wholesome, delicious and easy - they're certain to get your tummy rumbling!
Home-raised boiled eggs & toast soldiers Ok, we’ll confess…we've been known to send the kids to the bottom of a frosty garden to collect eggs for breakfast! Whilst they brave the cold, we carve up a loaf of bread, promising to make the egg yolks runny enough to dip their toast into. One or two of us swear by adding a thin scraping of Marmite to the soldiers too...
- Overnight porridge Here’s one of our best breakfasts: add cold milk to a couple of handfuls of oats, add a pinch of ground cinnamon and nutmeg, and pop the pan into the Aga overnight. By morning, you'll stumble out of bed to find a creamy, hearty breakfast ready and waiting! Without an Aga? It's just as easy to do in a slow-cooker, or you can prepare in the microwave within minutes.
Terrific toast On really busy mornings, toast and 'something' is our fallback. Warm, salty butter is always comforting, but in the interest of eating healthier throughout January, we're slathering our slices in almond butter, pecan butter and cashew butter. The jam goes down a storm amongst our children, so we use high-fruit content jams or spread on dollops of homemade 'Nutella' - made with coconut oil, cocoa powder, hazelnuts and honey. Messy, but delicious!
- Boston Sausage Sandwiches Sizzling sausages are sure to entice even the sleepiest out of their beds. Sophie loves Boston Sausages if she has a busy day ahead, and recommends making it more of a treat by adding tasty sauces, onions or relishes. (Or all three, if you're doing it right...!)
Leftovers With big families amongst our team here at Sophie Allport, we're conscious not to be wasteful in our kitchens. We like to make frittatas using bits and bobs from the fridge, like cold cooked potato and last night's leftover veg... served with a grating of cheese and a dollop of ketchup, it goes down a storm!
There you have it! What will you be making during National Breakfast Week? Which of these will tempt your family out their beds? What strikes your fancy?