Lying Down Hare Bronze Sculpture
Lying Down Hare Bronze Sculpture
Lying Down Hare Bronze Sculpture
Lying Down Hare Bronze Sculpture

Lying Down Hare Bronze Sculpture

Product code: ESBLDH01



An elegant and proud Bronze Lying Down Hare. This beautiful English Hare is a life-size bronze figurine sculpted and hand cast by the lost wax method. This beautiful sculpture adds a subtle character and elegance to any dining room or drawing room, and will also look lovely in your garden. Perfectly weatherproof, so suitable outdoors as well as indoors. 

  • Lifesize heavy weight bronze hare
  • L 67 x 33 x 25cm
  • Weighs approx. 7kg
  • Hand cast
  • Weatherproof so suitable indoors or outdoors

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